Arizona License Plate Lookup

License Plate Owner Lookup

Questions: Private Call/Text: (916) 312-3185

License Plate Lookup

Find Vehicle Owner by License Plate. Search results include Owner Information, License Plate, Registration Expiration, Vehicle Year/Make/Model, VIN

  • Enter the vehicle’s license plate or number or the VIN Vehicle Identification Number
  • Describe how you heard about us. Example: Youtube, TikTok, Google.
  • $0.00

Questions & Answers – License Plate Lookup

Q- Can anyone order a license plate search for any purpose?


A- No. Federal law and many state laws limit access to one of the permissible purposes stated above.


Q- How does Lance Casey & Associates verify that the DPPA Permissible Purpose I select is valid?


A- We don’t.  By selecting your response, you are certifying to Lance Casey & Associates that you are in, and assume full responsibility for, compliance with the DPPA and you agree to indemnify, defend and hold Lance Casey & Associates harmless from any breach of the DPPA by you, your agents or contractors and any damages, fees and costs associated therewith.


Q- Who sees my DPPA Permissible Purpose selection?


A- Only Lance Casey & Associates. However, if we are audited by any governmental authority or if any criminal or civil litigation arises as a result of your search, we are compelled to provide your identifiable information, including the DPPA Permissible Purpose you selected.


Q- Can I get into trouble for selecting an invalid DPPA Permissible Purpose?


A- Yes.  If, as a result of any criminal or civil litigation, it is determined that you obtained protected DPPA information under false pretenses, you could be held criminally and/or civilly liable.